Where To Buy
If you’re a Retail Business
We’re sure the Earthy Sustainable™ range will appeal to your customers, whether you’re a garden centre, a florist, a gift shop or small, independent café.
Your customers are already looking for recycled materials, produced in a vegan-friendly manner, that are not only gorgeous to look at and to touch, but have a low carbon footprint to boot.
Retail prices range from £3.50 to £35.00, so whether your customer is shopping for an everyday pot for a new kitchen plant to a birdcare gift for a loved one, we know we’ll have something to fit the bill.
If you’re a Retail Consumer
We currently sell on Ebay, please copy the link below to your web browser to view our produtcs

Earthy Sustainable™ is available wholesale from The Satchville Gift Company from www.thesatchvillegiftcompany.co.uk